Chess Club


Chess is a game of the mind that was believed to have originated from ancient England. At first it was not a game but a tactical plan of attack where the kings had a board that resembled the kingdom with “players” that represented their warriors and their Calvary and it was here that they strategised their plan of attack or defence whether you won depended on how good your plan was n this later grew to become a game.
    The modern day chess game consists of a board with pieces representing the players, the board represents the playing field and it is divided into alternating segments of black and white squares. The main aim of the game is to check mate your opponent’s king. A check mate is where you trap your opponents king completely allowing him no movement on either side. The players include;
The king
This is the most important piece on the board for either player. Some people say that this is the weakest player on the board and yet it is the most important. The king is regarded weak because it is only allowed one move in either direction. Once you threaten the king in what is referred to as a check the other player will have to protect the king by either neutralizing the threat or avoiding it.
The Queen
This to some is the most valuable player on the board and most people lose hope once the lose her. She is the muscle as she can move in any direction for any number of steps making her very essential when carrying out an attack.
The Knight/ Horseman
They are also two in number n these are the only players able to jump over another player when advancing. They are very essential when it comes to carrying out precision attacks as their pattern of movement aids in avoiding an attack. These pieces move in form of an L
The Bishop
 These are also two in number and they move diagonally for any number of steps.
The Pawn
One may also liken these to the foot soldiers. They form the frontline of attack and they can help a player in gaining dominance of the game. They move one move forward and can only “kill” a player diagonally one move. They are 8 in number.

The first 5 pieces form the backline while the pawns form the frontline. One player has sixteen pieces on the board forming a total of 32 players.

Originally the chess club had disintegrated and was no longer in operational it was revived last year and although it has been tough starting off we are finally starting to take off with the help of our patron Mr. Achoki.
In Mang’u we take part in organizing tournaments within club members with prizes being offered to the winners we also organize tournaments with the teachers.
The officials of the club are;
Levi Brian-Chairman
Alex Kamau-Vice Chairman
        David Mungai-Treasurer
        Saidimu Karbolo-Secretary
        Michael Wamae- Asst. Secretary
        Elijah Thagana- Organizing Secretary
The club currently has a membership roster of 30 students and counting.

Chess offers very many benefits here in school in that it helps;
To think and analyse every challenge critically
It also helps in building good relations with the teachers through the tournaments.
It aids in the development of the mind.






Chess is a game of the mind that was believed to have originated from ancient England. At first it was not a game but a tactical plan of attack where the kings had a board that resembled the kingdom with “players” that represented their warriors and their Calvary and it was here that they strategised their plan of attack or defence whether you won depended on how good your plan was n this later grew to become a game.


The modern day chess game consists of a board with pieces representing the players, the board represents the playing field and it is divided into alternating segments of black and white squares. The main aim of the game is to check mate your opponent’s king. A check mate is where you trap your opponents king completely allowing him no movement on either side. The players include;

The king

This is the most important piece on the board for either player. Some people say that this is the weakest player on the board and yet it is the most important. The king is regarded weak because it is only allowed one move in either direction. Once you threaten the king in what is referred to as a check the other player will have to protect the king by either neutralizing the threat or avoiding it.

The Queen

This to some is the most valuable player on the board and most people lose hope once the lose her. She is the muscle as she can move in any direction for any number of steps making her very essential when carrying out an attack.

The Knight/ Horseman

They are also two in number n these are the only players able to jump over another player when advancing. They are very essential when it comes to carrying out precision attacks as their pattern of movement aids in avoiding an attack. These pieces move in form of an L

The Bishop

These are also two in number and they move diagonally for any number of steps.

The Pawn

One may also liken these to the foot soldiers. They form the frontline of attack and they can help a player in gaining dominance of the game. They move one move forward and can only “kill” a player diagonally one move. They are 8 in number.


The first 5 pieces form the backline while the pawns form the frontline. One player has sixteen pieces on the board forming a total of 32 players.



Originally the chess club had disintegrated and was no longer in operational it was revived last year and although it has been tough starting off we are finally starting to take off with the help of our patron Mr. Achoki.

In Mang’u we take part in organizing tournaments within club members with prizes being offered to the winners we also organize tournaments with the teachers.

The officials of the club are;

Levi Brian-Chairman

Alex Kamau-Vice Chairman

David Mungai-Treasurer

Saidimu Karbolo-Secretary

Michael Wamae- Asst. Secretary

Elijah Thagana- Organizing Secretary

The club currently has a membership roster of 30 students and counting.


Chess offers very many benefits here in school in that it helps;

  • To think and analyse every challenge critically

  • It also helps in building good relations with the teachers through the tournaments.

  • It aids in the development of the mind.


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